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Offering over 20,000 accomodation places and located between Siutghiol Lake and the Black Sea, Mamaia, the major resort near Constanta has started to build the first facilities in 1906 (first bathing unit was also opened); nowadays, Mamaia hosts over 60 hotels.

A special destination designed for families with children holidays, Mamaia offers tennis courts and miniature golf courses, open air cinemas and theatre - hosting the annual “Mamaia” National Pop Music Festival.

Siutghiol Lake offers the possibility of practicing different water sports or taking a ferry up to Ovid’s Island, allegedly the place where the famous Latin exiled poet was buried. You can also find accommodation on the island and also a specific fishery restaurant, an ideal place to spend your leisure time. The island can be accessed from the Tic-Tac wharf in Mamaia by cruising ships, every 30 minutes during the summer.

General info

Profile: recreation

Geography: coast line

Climate: moderate-continental with marine influences

Elevation: 6-8 m

Summer temperature: 25° C

Winter temperature: 5° C

Nearby cities: Constanța 3 km, Bucharest 242 km

Distance from major cities: Cluj-Napoca 657 km, Timișoara 744 km, Sibiu 515 km, Baia Mare 740 km, Oradea 789 km, Arad 756 km, Suceava 510 km

Curing factors: solar-marine cure, treatments for rheumatology, gynecology and dermatology, body treatment, regenerative and medical gymnastics.  

Nearby airport:  Constanța "Mihail Kogălniceanu" International Airport 20 km

Other attractions: "Aqua Magic", Histria ruins, Tomis ruins, Roman edifice with mosaic, Constanța "Dolphinarium", Danube Delta, water sports, horseback riding, miniature golf, volleyball, football, walks around the Siutghiol Lake, aerial tram (cable car).


In Mamaia you can have a great time at the Aqua Magic Water Park, located at city entrance but you can also enjoy the ride on the aerial tram, from where you can view the entire resort from its entrance until the Casino; paddle boating, parachuting, scuba diving, windsurfing and yachting, banana boats, water scooters, catamaran and caravel leisure boats in 8 different recreational areas.

Other fun possibilities are trampoline jumping, bicycles for one, two, three or even four persons, scooters, beach-volleyball, beach-handball on the beach outside Flora Hotel. Discotheques and terraces are also to be found on the beaches.

Mamaia’s amusement park is also worth a visit.

[© Copyright 2007 Asociatia Pentru Promovarea Si Dezvoltarea Turismului LITORAL - DELTA DUNARII]